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Conversational chatbots are those with

 Adjust to the options that the chatbot presents you and respond by pressing one of the buttons. On the other hand, conversational chatbots are those with which the user can write the response they want and send it to the chatbot. In this case, the conversation is much more natural. You can answer whatever you want (as long as it has a certain . logic and relationship with what you. Are talking about so that the chatbot doesn’t get lost). And in addition, they can also be combined with response buttons as in directed chatbots if you want. At first, it may seem like 

hand, conversational

onversational chatbots are better. And they are certainly more complex than targeted chatbots. However, the choice of one or another type of chatbot will depend on our target audience . For example, if we are targeting elderly people, it may be easier for them to use our chatbot if they only have to press buttons. It is something that will have top industry data to be studied in each case. Example mobile view with chatbot Conclusions Well, after this post about chatbots, I hope you are a little clearer about what a chatbot is and what types of chatbots exist. 

Do you think

Do you think chatbots really have a future? What type of chatbot do you find most interesting? Would you use a chatbot in your business? Do you already know what you’re going to give me for my birthday? Tell me tell Gulf Email List me! 4.5/5 – (2 votes)How to use the new Acumbamail template editor by Victor Campuzano | Apr 6, 2018 | Growth Marketing Online | 6 Comments Good morning! How are you? Good? For sure yes. Maximum positivism, which is free. No? That mixed with some oatmeal cereals

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