Gulf Email List

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The First is to Use File Bulk Import

This means your customers are free to choose the products they want. You can create up to three product options and three option groups using. Products can also be added to categories so customers can more easily find exactly what they need. You can create categories in the platform backend and assign products to them using a manual process or a bulk editing tool. Unfortunately you cannot use tags and rules to autofill product categories. But since you’re probably using fewer products overall this might not be a huge issue with some providers.

There are various tools available such as or

Another great option offered when it comes to product management and even upselling is the abandoned cart feature. But that functionality database isn’t built into the platform. You need to connect your external email marketing tool with its built-in abandoned cart functionality. Overall it might be a bit more complicated than using tools to connect everything you need to the platform. Marketing and SEO One thing I always like to pay close attention to when reviewing eCommerce or website builders is the ability to access marketing tools.

The good news is that all of these email apps


After all, without a good marketing strategy you will have a hard time attracting the customers your store needs. Recently many online eCommerce and Gulf Email List website building platforms have started implementing their own built-in solutions for email marketing and social media within the platform itself. For example, and both have their own email marketing tools. Unfortunately this service is not provided as standard. But that doesn’t mean you can’t access marketing features at all. You just need to make sure you’re using the correct integration.

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