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How to create a business page on Pinterest

How to create, Pinterest is one of my favorite platforms, that is nothing new for all those who regularly read my blog. This social network is not new, in fact it has been with us for a few years, although it seems that many companies or brands have not yet dared to take the leap that introduces them to the incredible visual world of Pinterest . This is a social platform that can be used by almost any professional, business or brand (without going too far, thanks to infographics Pinterest is bringing a lot of traffic to my blog). But, surely tourism, gastronomic or fashion sector companies are the ones that should never miss the opportunity to have a Pinterest page. It is for this reason that I have thought about going to the very origins of any social media presence.

Turn a Pinterest profile into a company page

But do you already have a personal Pinterest profile for your brand? Don’t worry, this has a very easy solution. top people data Turn a Pinterest profile into a company page If you already have a personal profile on Pinterest for your company and want to enjoy all the advanced features that a company page offers you (such as analytics and statistics, rich pins, multiple users, etc.), How to create, you should go first to this Turn a Personal Pinterest Profile into a Business Page In it you will find everything you need to transform your personal profile into a company page. Don’t worry! By migrating your personal profile to a company page, you will not experience any inconveniences of any kind, that is, you will not lose followers, pins, or boards will be deleted (it is safe).

Step-by-step guide on how to create a company page on Pinterest for my business or brand

Step-by-step guide on how to create a company page on Pinterest for my business or brand  Go to  and select the  register by email Gulf Email List  option . In addition, you have an excellent App for your mobile  Google Play – iTunes . Guide to Creating a Company Page on Pinterest . Once inside you go to  Do you have a company Guide to Creating a Company Page on Pinterest 3. Now complete the registration form create company account . First you must choose the type of company professiona, famous person, local business, media, brand, online store, etc. The name of the contact person or person in charge of managing the Pinterest page . Email address and password for our new page.

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