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Similar Purpose to Achieve Employee

This must have the author’s last name follow by the year of publication. For example: (López, 2021). If a direct source is cit, the page number must be includ. For example: (Ruiz, 2021, p. 39). Font and size : It is recommend to use a readable font, usually Times New Roman or Arial, in 12 point size. Spacing : Text should be double-spac (2.0) throughout the document, including the body text, citations, and reference list. Title and subtitles : The title of the work should be center at the top of the first page.

Them a Relevant

The subheadings of each section are us to organize the content. These must be number. Paper size and margins : Texts written in APA format b2b email list must be written on letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches) with 1-inch margins on all sides: top, bottom, left and right. Number Pages – All pages, starting with the title page, should be number in the upper right corner. Reference list : At the end of the paper, a reference list should be includ that lists all the sources cit in the text.

Action Is to Apply

This list should be organiz alphabetically by the author’s last name and follow a specific format depending on the type of source (books, articles, websites, etc.). Tables and figures : If tables or figures are includ, they must be number and titl appropriately. Explanatory notes should be includ below them Gulf Email List if necessary. How to cite a thesis in APA? What are APA standards us for? Having a standardiz format allows for better reading by people who read a research, academic text or magazine. The uniformity of the text, images, tables, fonts not only gives a professional look to the work, but also makes it easier to understand and navigate through the content.

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