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The reputation and online visibility of your restaurant or bar

The reputation, We have spoken on countless occasions about how important it is, for any tourist establishment, to have a solid reputation (both offline and online) and good visibility on the Internet. Furthermore, I have lost count of how many articles there are in which I mention websites (even better if they have a blog ) and social networks as the most powerful tools of the moment for such purposes. «Your website and social networks should be the fundamental pillars for the reputation and online visibility of your restaurant or bar» Although it is hard to admit, I have had to come to the conclusion that many entrepreneurs not only do not know, but they also do not want to acknowledge that things have changed and that they have to modernize their businesses.

Boost the online visibility of your restaurant or bar

I continue to find endless bars, restaurants, cafes, wineries, email database breweries, The reputation, etc., etc. that they do not pay the slightest attention, not only to social networks, but to their entire image or online visibility . How did I come to this conclusion? On Sunday night (that’s what life as a freelancer has, we’re open 24 hours a day) I started collecting information to later write an article on the blog of one of my tourist clients (title of the post: “ Restaurants, bars and wineries that you should know in Poble-Sec #Barcelona”) . What was my great surprise, after more than two hours of surfing and surfing the Internet, to discover that a large number of gastronomic establishments do not have any type of presence on the Internet (not a simple web page, nor a solitary profile in any of the hundreds.

Do you want your restaurant or bar to have a good online presence?

Which led me to wonder: why don’t many business owners in the sector enhance Gulf Email List the reputation and online visibility of their restaurant or bar? Well, to be honest I should point out that not everyone lacked a minimal online presence, there were also those who had a profile on TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google Maps or a Facebook page (which perhaps by chance they registered at some point) . But that does not mean that their presence on the network was +/- careful or followed any strategy. Because those profiles or pages on social networks that I am talking about, among many other issues, had the following flaws: Poor quality photographs (too much light, out of focus, very dark, pixelated, very old, etc.). Non-existent telephone numbers or email (for reservations).

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