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What is soil erosion

Erosion is usually distinguished depending on what main factors have a destructive effect. It is believed that there are three. This is water, wind, a combination of the first and second.

Causes and types of soil erosion

According to the reasons for the appearance, a distinction is made between natural (natural) and anthropogenic erosion caused by the consequences of human industrial activity.

Types of soil erosion depending onwe Latest Mailing Database are the occurrence factor: wind erosion and water erosion .

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Water erosion is divided into types:

  • drip erosion;
  • Planar erosion;
  • Linear erosion (can be deep and lateral);
  • Erosion of technogenic origin.

Distinguish erosion and in accordance with the speed of ongoing processes. In this case, she admits:

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  • normal or geological (natural),
  • accelerated, destrucut anthropogenic erosion is not always accelerated.
Example: irrigation soil erosion is one of the types of anthropogenic soil erosion, which appears when the rules and norms of irrigation in irrigated agriculture are not observed.

The first option is present in areas where there is natural vegetation cover. Under such conditions, the soil can recover, since the process of soil formation in natural conditions does not stop.

Wind erosion can cause irreparable harm, both in a long time and in just a few hours. Dust (black) storms quickly sweep away the top layer of soil, sometimes carrying it away for many hundreds of kilometers. Sometimes such dust, settling, falls asleep ed Latest Mailing Database appentire reservoirs. We can give an example from the 50s of the last century. Then, during the development of virgin lands in the steppes of Kazakhstan and the western part of the Altai Territory, dump plowing of the land was used. After sowing, a drought began, and then a strong wind came to the territory from the West. He carried away a significant part of the fertile layer. The dust of the Kazakh and Altai steppes settled even in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

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