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Advertising on YouTube Ads: Ad formats, tips and advice for advertising on YouTube

Advertising on YouTube Ads: Ad formats, tips and advice for advertising on YouTube. YouTube is one of the most popular and used search engines on the Internet, along with Google. The number of active users is brutal. More than 2 billion people use YouTube every month. It is the platform for creating educational content par excellence, and brands are taking advantage of this advantage to raise awareness among their target audience and convert them into customers. Organically and paid. And in this post I am going to talk to you about the second option: advertising on YouTube Ads.

What does Advertising on YouTube Ads consist of

What does Advertising on YouTube Ads consist of. Youtube Ads is Youtube’s advertising platform where you can advertise from any device and video format. You can appear on the official website or the app, in addition to the Google display network (paid advertising on search engine pages). Google email contact list  bought YouTube in 2016, so campaigns are created and managed from Google Adwords. And what does it consist of. Well, they are video ads that can appear before, during and after any video posted on YouTube, in addition to different sections of the website.

Skippable in-stream ads

Skippable in-stream ads. A format similar to the previous one, only users can skip this one . Specifically, once 5 seconds have been played. That is why the duration does not have to be so short, and you can work with longer ads. YouTube will charge you when the user has watched 30 seconds of the video or the entire video (if it lasts less than 30s). Or if the user clicks on the Gulf Email List button or CTA and interacts with the video. Actually, whatever happens first. And you can use them whether your goal is brand recognition and reach (here you

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