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Don’t Forget to Set Up Regular Reporting on

Whenever you assign roles to people in your organization, you need to make sure they have the following roles assigned to them:

SEO Strategist: The person leading the project
Copywriter: Although it may seem unnecessary, a copywriter promotes your products and services verbally. Remember, there is no SEO without content.

Product Manager This is the person who should be the point of contact between you and your SEO clients.
There are also meetings. Meetings are a great alternative to introduce new team members joining your project. Meetings can really help you and your clients get on the same page.

Without Reports of Progress, You Won't Know

The assessment phase is important to assess your client’s SEO health and status so you know what to do next. At a minimum, you can ask your SEO client to have access to the following:

Google Search Engine and Analytics Any Ws Data content management system (CMS) you may have. Owned Domain List.

Lastly, we recommend running an SEO audit . This gives you deeper details on the insights you can gather to improve your customers’ sites. Here’s what you need to do:

Run a crawl of your site: There are a variety of tools you can use to check for SEO errors .
Make sure your URLs are not copied: Make sure that all website versions point to one website version whenever they are searched in search engines

Make Sure You Have on-page Seo Elements

Clients need to understand what role SEO plays in their digital marketing and everyday strategies. To successfully invest in SEO, you need to reach your target audience and buyer personas with the right content.

Let’s be honest, there can be no SEO without content. Clients either need to have experience Gulf Email List with SEO or pay to set up an SEO-focused content marketing campaign built around keywords that fit their target audience. Keywords vary from audience to audience and even from region to region.

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