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In the 1980s, the leader in business benchmarking, Xerox, use the term to describe the process of comparing a company with its most important competitors. In 1989, the first monograph on this topic was publishe. Base on the available sources, the author lists the types of benchmarking: internal , external, strategic, functional , results processes. We recommend Functional benchmarking – it’s worth knowing Do you want to take your business to the next level? How can we help you.

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Enter your e-mail, we will contact you What is strategic benchmarking? Strategic benchmarking consists in comparing a company with a leader, although not necessarily from the same industry. It can be define as comparing yourself with the best in whatsapp mobile number list order to improve the quality of your offer. In this way, you can learn a lot from your competitors without copying them directly. Strategic benchmarking is an interesting tool that provides support at the stage of, for example, a marketing audit , regardless of whether you plan to outsource it or conduct it yourself. The specialist responsible for your strategy should know them.

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We recommend Internal benchmarking, or how to learn from… yourself strategic benchmarking “ This method consists in learning best practices from leaders in a given field, but it does not consist in copying ready-made solutions, but in imitating Gulf Email List the ways to reach them. ” – adds Weronika Chechłowska in the work ” The use of benchmarking while improving processes in the enterprise “. It focuses only on those aspects relate to the strategy, the applie business model and the approach to running a company. Other types of benchmarking are responsible for internal processes or results. Objectives of strategic benchmarking Strategic benchmarking can focus on a company from a completely different industry than the one in which the company operates.

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