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The Scene Described is Not a Fairy Tale

Where is Naoshima? Located on the island in the Seto Sea south of Okayama, Naoshima is popularly known as “art island” or “museum island”. Its transport system is very well prepared for tourism and its more than 20 art exhibitions and museums will take you, at least, a whole day. Even if you don’t have…

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A Attention or a Text That Converts

Conducting a marketing automation audit is a priority activity thanks to which we analyze the correctness of marketing activities and the achievement of business goals. In this article, you will learn what to pay attention to when introducing automation to your business and what actions your marketing strategy should be based on to make the…

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Distribution areas in Russia and in the world

In Russia, wind erosion manifests itself within certain limits. In the north – this is an irregularly shaped line from Voronezh in the direction to the East. The border goes through Samara, Chelyabinsk, Petrozavodsk, Omsk. Further – to Novosibirsk and then to Eastern Siberia, through Khakassia, Buryatia, Tuva, Chita region. Because of this, on agricultural land located to the…

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