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Report It To The Lazada Legal Department

Communicating With Sellers If you find a seller selling your fake Lazada brand, you should not immediately submit a report. Instead, communicate with the seller and try to negotiate a deal. Inform the seller that you are the brand owner / authorized reseller of a certain brand as well as the possible consequences of selling counterfeit goods from registered brands. Say that you are impressed with his customer reach and would like to become his supplier. 

If the counterfeit problem cannot be resolved through negotiation, you can report your problem to Lazada PSC.

Click this to create a ticket and notify the partner support team of the issue. It’s simply the fastest way to get to the PSC.

You can also go to Lazada Seller Center. Under Support, click Help Center.

Click Contact Us. You will receive a response within the next 48 to 72 hours. If not, reopen the ticket. 

If after talking to the PSC, the issue is still not fully resolved, you can report it to the Lazada Legal Department. You can email them a.

Register for Split Dragon and Receive IP Notifications

If people are selling you counterfeit Lazada products, your business model is under attack. Fake sellers eat up your advertising budget by bidding on your brand on you. By doing so, they can divert your potential sales and can even turn customers against you by mistakenly believing that the low-quality goods they are buying are from you. Therefore, it is important to always know whether replicas of your brand are reproduced and sold in the market.

Split Dragon may not be able to help you track down people who make counterfeit copies of certain brands, but we can notify you whenever there is a potential counterfeit sale of your brand on Lazada.

Aside from Split Dragon’s SEO and competitor

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tracking capabilities, it can also do the following:

  • Track down any product listings that mention your brand name
  • Provides templates of removal and termination letters
  • Offers end-to-end IP protection services

Tracking down fake sellers can whatsapp mobile number list take a lot of time. Split Dragon allows you to allocate your time to more money making problems. You will receive email updates whenever a product listing mentions your name in the Lazada marketplace. Email templates are also set up for you so you can easily send notifications to specific sellers.

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