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Million Trees And Enabled Families Of Small Farmers

Read on now, or simply click into our latest podcast episode, which is available to you free of charge on Spotify , Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music . “The future belongs to invisible payment” As head of the Banking and Finance practice group, Walter companies on banking law issues and develops innovative financial products and business concepts together with clients. When it comes to the future of corporate payment, clear tendencies can already be identifid today.

Report Has Among Other Things Planted

All forms of invisible payment would become the standard in the long term: whether in a restaurant or in the long checkout line in the whatsapp mobile number list supermarket – a lengthy payment process in particular has a negative effect the product experience. Where are the EU and the European Central Bank headd? While this speaks for a further increase in the digitization of payment transactions, Walter currently does not see a realistic chance of introducing a digital euro. Because the apparently biggest advantage of an even faster payment process is currently not a real problem at all.

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As the expert for FinTech and Blockchain goes on to explain in our interview with Josephine Nachtsheim . A blockchain-basd solution like Gulf Email List the euro in the form of a bitcoin admits Meanwhile, Walter hardly stands a chance. “Why should the European Central Bank, which already has the word “central” in its name, rely on a decentralizd payment method?” he asks. Travel booking or purchasing: Making payments easier for employees With regard to the payment methods in companies, there has been a change in recent years – away from the classic purchasing departments towards more travel bookings and online purchases that employees have to carry out independently.

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