Gulf Email List

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When the reasons for possible changes

Comfort for the customer. In other words we turned the companys competitive advantages into customer benefits. It was also decided to build all marketing and content in such a way that it creates an image of ease. This kind of strategic alignment makes it much easier to come up with new ideas make decisions and put things into practice. It makes marketing more focused and starts to create the desired brand image among the selected target group. Its the one with whom its easy The marketing strategy creates the basis

The purchasing processes

For digital sales of you me and all of us have become much digitalized. They will be digitized more in the future as well. Even more important is what digitization has done to our purchasing processes: it has made them more independent. The independence b2b leads of purchasing processes means that customers do much more background research than before. According to research they go through approx. 57% of the purchase process independently before contacting the company. This has also changed the role of sales from the

Creator of the need to the facilitator

Of the change the customer wants. In the context of marketing we always think that buying is the customers desire to change something and selling is the facilitation of the customers desired change. The purchase processes Gulf Email List run independently without the salespersons help in the selection phase. The customer has therefore weeded out several operators and only contacts the operators that sound the best of all. In practice the independence of the purchasing process can be seen like this The customer recognizes the

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