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How to Become a Better Writer Beginner’s Guide

Becoming a better writer takes time. From pitching your idea to getting published—it’s a long process. But what are the best ways to become a better writer, and how can you do it? Understand your audience Let’s start with the basics: Who are you writing for? Do you know your audience? There may be a difference in who you think you are writing for vs. who your actual audience is. At Ahrefs, we post polls on social media to learn more about our audience. How to Become For example, here’s a poll that our chief marketing officer, Tim Soulo, ran to do some audience research.

This poll shows

That most of the Ahrefs Insider members are from in-house or affiliate marketing backgrounds, so we probably need to focus on these audiences when we company data write content. Holding a poll is a good way to get a snapshot of your audience. You can also try this if you have an engaged social media audience.Once you’ve established that people want to read about your topic, it’s now a good idea to assess the competition. Let’s say you want to spy on your competitors and see what’s ranking in Google. To do this, enter your keyword in Keywords Explorer, click on “Overview,” and scroll down to the SERP overview.

How to Become this page

We can see the top-ranking results in Google for this query. At Ahrefs, all our blog content starts its life as a blog post outline. Outlines are skeleton structures of what you intend to Gulf Email List write about. When you write an outline, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Rather, it’s about getting your ideas out of your head and onto paper. At Ahrefs, we find it’s a useful way to start our content writing process. You can make your outline as detailed as you want, but we usually try to keep it as simple as possible.

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