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How to Create a Content Plan in 6 Easy Steps

If you want the content creation process to run smoothly and to produce content that moves the needle, you need a content plan that aligns with your strategy. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a content plan in six easy steps. But first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page… What is content planning? Content planning is the process of deciding what you’ll publish and when. It’s important for keeping everyone and everything on track and for prioritizing content in a way that makes sense for your content strategy. For example, there are thousands of SEO-related topics we could write blog posts about.

Just look at how

Many Search Engine Journal has published: Content planning isn’t that hard and shouldn’t take long to put together. It’s really just about finding and prioritizing topics that executive data make sense for your strategy, then scheduling and assigning them. Let’s go through the process. 1. How to Create Make sure you have a clear content strategy Have you ever tried to cook something new without a recipe? Then you’ll know that although it can be fun, results vary. The same happens if you try to create a content plan without a content strategy. But what is a content strategy, anyway? In simple terms, it’s a document explaining why you’re creating content, who it’s for, what type of content you’ll create, and where you’ll publish it.

Here’s an example for Ahrefs

The problem with this approach is that popular content might not have earned its views organically. They might have come from ads. For that reason, I recommend Gulf Email List doing Google keyword research instead—even if you’re creating content for TikTok or YouTube. This is because people tend to search for similar things across platforms, and keyword tools for Google have the most accurate data. If you notice trends here, you can use them as “seed” keywords in a keyword research tool to find more similar topics.

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