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This futuristic chocolate is the child of AI and boasts of being suitable

This futuristic valio has developed “The Bar” in collaboration  . «The needs and preferences of  around the world. Growing health concerns are affecting the chocolate industry and governments in all corners of the planet are regulating the use and consumption of sugar. Thanks to our ‘Bettersweet’ solution, the taste of our chocolate remains unchanged despite its reduced sugar content,” explains Timo Pajari, Senior Vice President of Valio.

Milk Chocolate lovers are Changing.

To in the launch campaign for “The Bar” was top industry data developed. The Finnish company Aiwo Digital in conjunction with the food company’s consumer “insights” team. Therefore, we wanted to discover the most delicious and hidden cravings of milk chocolate lovers. Therefore, combining artificial intelligence. Human craftsmanship and our know-how on milk powder. Therefore, we have been able to create the chocolate of the future. Observing and analyzing conversations on social networks allowed us to draw conclusions about the true consumer preferences,” emphasizes Pajari.

Five different layers of chocolate hidden in a single bar

Two main conclusions can be drawn from Gulf Email List the research undertaken by Valio . Therefore, the first is that there is no favorite milk chocolate in terms of flavor. Filling or size, as the consumer wants to enjoy different varieties in different situations. Therefore, the second is that people want to taste milk chocolate consciously. Emphasizing flavor and sweetness. But without relegating to the background issues directly related to health such as reduced sugar content. Valio’s chocolate recipe anchors these conclusions. Therefore, the result is five different varieties of chocolate with less sugar in their guts . 

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