Gulf Email List

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Ernest Pablo Alzugaray’s new creative agency that seeks to break with duos

Ernest Pablo the founding spirit of this company is to break with fear , as was revealed in the campaign that was launched a few weeks ago. “If we had to summarize Ernest in a single message, this could be: break with the fear of breaking… to build again,” says Guilló. «Because breaking is breaking in; and it is inherent to begin. And to be born. We are all born breaking our waters, but only some still want to break more.

Design by audiences

Ernest emphasizes that this is an agency category email list designed by audiences and not by disciplines . The specialization rings revolve around the silver economy. The alpha generation, the LGTBIQ+ community or environmental legislators to give a few examples. Therefore, ernest has five specialized divisions: Customer audience: Consumers, users, buyers, etc. Internal audience: Employees, shareholders, distributors, etc. Opinion public: Journalists, advisors, consultants, opinion makers, etc. Therefore, public institution: Public decision-makers, legislators, regulators, organizations, etc. Public citizens: voters, allies, activists, taxpayers, donors, etc.

Fees linked to results

Ernest also proposes that when a client Gulf Email List accepts his participation in decisions that have an impact on business results, his fees can be linked to these. Becoming a real partner of the client. Regarding the operating model. Ernest is based on three factors. Team connected to a network of people who will interact daily with the Madrid team. From different geographies. cultures Break the duo . We believe that each creative can work alone, with one, two, three or six people depending on the project. Therefore, at hat they can all be editors, designers, illustrators or choreographers, who can work inside or outside the agency, inside or outside the industry.

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