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Volkswagen and its ingenious Trojan horse to steal talent from the competition

In the automotive aftermarket market, competition is absolutely fierce, even for a titan of the colossal dimensions of the Volkswagen Group . For this reason. Aware of how lucrative this sector is. The German automotive group has decided to steal talent from the workshops with which it competes in this segment of activity, drawing inspiration from Greek mythology.

The German brand teamed up with the DDB Paris agency

In a campaign called “Inside Jobs. Therefore, the automotive company industry email list hid job offers in automotive parts that are usually examined. Mechanics in the performance of their work. Therefore, that were subsequently disseminated throughout France . Such an unusual campaign was developed in the neighboring country last September. Therefore, promoted through social networks. Mechanics under the guise of influencers who came across such unexpected offers during the course of their work.

Make job offers more attractive for mechanics that the company

“We work with a professional mechanic to place the messages in the most appropriate place and avoid altering the automotive Gulf Email List parts before sending them to the workshops. Therefore, explains Clara Nogier, art director of DDB Paris. Speaking to AdWeek . The initial goal of the campaign was to cover a total of 1,000 jobs. Therefore, more than 350 positions were effectively filled during. The initial phase of the campaign. The recruitment process is currently ongoing.

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